How did the Apostle Paul team with others in mission work? Listen in as we share a Bible study on Paul's coworkers, the work they shared, and how Paul spoke of them.
The Apostle Paul consistently worked with others in missions and referred to his team members as beloved fellow workers. Listen in as we share about this Bible study on Paul's teaming. Better yet, get your own copy of the Teaming Study on our website and go through it with your team.
In this podcast, we share 4 main takeaways from the study:
1- Paul's teams were formed for the purpose of the work.
2- Paul's teams loved one another as family.
3- Paul's teams were in almost constant transition.
4- Conflict was not unusual.
Click on the Teaming Bible Study link on our website and download your own copy of the Bible study. We pray it is an encouragement and help for you and your team! Email us and let us know how it goes.
Instagram: thecoworkerspodcast